» Software Engineer | Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

Digitalforensikerin / Digitalforensiker (m/w/d) für das Zentralkommissariat für InternetkriminalitätNeuen Thread eröffnenNeue Antwort erstellenIT Security Manager (m/f/d) | CORDEN PHARMA International GmbH

Anmeldedatum: 21.02.2013
Beiträge: 2311
30.04.2024, 09:54

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Zur Stellenanzeige auf Mein IT Job(https://s.jobboarddeutschland.de/1m9x)
Ihre Bewerbung richten Sie bitte ausschließlich an die ausgeschriebene Firma.

The German Cancer Research Center is the largest biomedical research institution in Germany. With more than 3,000 employees, we operate an extensive scientific program in the field of cancer research.

For our Omics IT and Data Management Core Facility we are seeking a

Software Engineer

(Ref-No. 2024-0132)

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) stands at the forefront of global cancer genomics and data analysis institutes. UNDERSTANDING AND TARGETING RESISTANCE in Glioblastoma (UNITE Glioblastoma) is a Collaborative Research Center (SFB1389) aiming at deciphering and targeting mechanisms of resistance in glioblastoma, a usually fatal brain tumor in children and adults. UNITE Glioblastoma is triggered by the strong vision that glioblastoma is treatable. To tackle this challenge, the research strategy is driven by innovation, strong collaboration and a focus on clinical implementation.

The UNITE core work package “Data integration, bioinformatics analysis, and data exploration for precision neurooncology” is looking for an enthusiastic and motivated software developer.

What do we do?

We build a web-based open source platform which helps scientists and bioinformaticians to find and analyze patterns in interconnected biomedical data from patients, such as their DNA, RNA, clinical data, molecular and drug screening data of their specimens and specimen models, MRI images, etc. This means that we are dealing with large amounts of data (tens of thousand records per individual). We collaborate closely with scientists and medical doctors from different departments to achieve best results in what we do.

What is our technical stack?

• PostgreSQL (code-first) and MongoDB – to store the data
• Elasticsearch – to index the data in different ways and perform quick and complex cross-reference search queries
• Several WEB API services written in ASP.NET Core (C#) (cross-platform and open source for several years) – to validate and write the data, read and analyze it
• Vue.js (Javascript) – SPA web portal for data visualization and analysis
• Different data annotation and analysis tools (Ensembl, Ensembl VEP, DESeq2, etc.)
• Docker and Docker-Compose – to deploy and manage our services


• A master's degree in computer science or related areas
• A full stack developer with expert technical knowledge in the technologies we use or similar technologies (like Java, Angular etc.) who is eager to learn new things quickly and in detail
• Good understanding of system design and the ability to manage and improve it
• Motivation to work in an interdisciplinary field and to acquire a working understanding of the biomedical research field
• Very good self-motivation, self-organization and team working skills
• Good English communication skills

Please provide a CV, cover letter, certificates and references (if available) with your application.

We offer:

• Excellent framework conditions: state-of-the-art equipment and opportunities for international networking at the highest level
• Remuneration according to TV-L incl. occupational pension plan and capital-forming payments
• 30 days of vacation per year
• Flexible working hours
• Possibility of mobile work and part-time work
• Family-friendly working environment, e.g. parent-child room, advisory services caring for elderly relatives
• Sustainable travel to work: subsidized Germany job ticket
• Unleash your full potential: targeted offers for your personal development to further develop your talents
• Our Corporate Health Management Program offers a holistic approach to your well-being

The position is initially limited to 2 years with the possibility of prolongation.

Important notice:

The DKFZ is subject to the regulations of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG). As a consequence, only persons who present proof of immunity against measles may work at the DKFZ.

For further information please contact
Dr. Ivo Buchhalter, phone +49 (0)6221/42-3566.

The DKFZ is committed to increase the proportion of women in all areas and positions in which women are underrepresented. Qualified female applicants are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

Among candidates of equal aptitude and qualifications, a person with disabilities will be given preference.

To apply for a position please use our online application portal (http://www.dkfz.de).

We ask for your understanding that we cannot return application documents that are sent to us by post (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Personalabteilung, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg) and that we do not accept applications submitted via email. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

30.04.2024, 09:54

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