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Beobachter Anmeldedatum: 15.04.2022 Beiträge: 3 | zitieren The good news is accessing the Lost Ark Gold personal storage you have within Lost Ark is simple. All you have to do is find the Storage Keeper, who is an NPC who has a big backpack. They're marked by an icon for chests on the in-game map, Make sure to keep an eye out when exploring the world. Contact these characters to access your private storage, which comes with 180 slots as of default. You can expand the capacity by purchasing additional rows, although the base amount should be good for new players. If you have a Crystalline Aura active, you are able to access your personal storage by using your pet. All you have to do is turn on the pet function that grants the same access as talking to a Storage Keeper. The only issue is that you need to have a Crystalline Aura active, which is an expensive item. It is important to make sure you use your personal storage prior to setting out on an adventure , to avoid having a clogged inventory. In your journey through buy Lost Ark Gold Lost Ark, you'll come to encounter many enemies and bosses. Although these encounters may seem like a stroll in the park, dealing with global bosses might require you to play your best. |
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