» C++ Developer (f/m/x) - focus on-board network and vehicle diagnosis

Low Level Software Developer (f/m/x) - Munich/KulmbachNeuen Thread eröffnenNeue Antwort erstellenWeb- / Softwareentwickler (m/w/d)
Anmeldedatum: 05.04.2011
Beiträge: 99
05.04.2019, 09:47

Our client is a team of software developers brought together by their enthusiasm for developing embedded systems. They are full-stack developers working on real-time, connectivity, mobile, and back-end projects. Customers consult them for two main reasons: when they feel their project is "impossible," and if they expect the highest level of quality and reliability in their software development. The results speak for themselves: today their software runs in millions of cars. E.S.R. Labs is a company founded by software developers for software developers. Their goal is to create a work environment in which programmers can thrive. Working at E.S.R. Labs means you will experience a diverse set of projects, with the chance to work with a wide range of technologies and the freedom to explore new ways of doing things. Currently they are looking for you in the role of a performance-driven C++ Software Developer (f/m).

Job description

As a C++ Developer (m/f) focus on-board network and vehicle diagnosis you will take on sophisticated projects for renowned automotive OEMs. Therefore, you will support our team in developing innovative tools for embedded software development. Our range of tools mainly consists of C/C++ code generators and transformation tools written in Python, Editor Plugins (Java, C#, ...), and Web frontends (JavaScript, HTML, ...). After the introductory training you will become responsible for one or more tools. You will develop, review, and refactor new and existing features to better match the actual automotive standards. You will seamlessly integrate your improvements into customer projects for renowned OEMs. Through constant discussion with colleagues and customers you will optimize your development results, learn new technologies and try out innovative solutions in our team.


Required qualifications:

● Completed degree in Computer Science or a comparable qualification
● Intensive professional experience with several programming languages
● Willingness to familiarize yourself with large, complex automotive standards, e.g., AUTOSAR and modelling technologies
● Very good Python skills
● Good C and C++ skills
● Experience in modelling/DSL-technologies (e.g. XSD, EMF, XText)
● Good English language skills

Desired qualifications:

● Knowledge in AUTOSAR standards
● Good knowledge in Ruby
● Knowledge in JavaScript and web technologies (HTML, CSS, …)
● Experience in embedded programming
● Own software projects (e.g. Open Source)
● Own publications (e.g. own blog)

What we offer

● Great work environment with co-workers you can rely on and who demonstrate strong performance
● Opportunity to make an impact by delivering fantastic work in essential projects
● A chance to create useful technology by minimizing complexity
● Employee freedom through flexible work-hour models, little hierarchy, and a collaborative work environment
● Experimentation and learning through our regular hackathons, programming challenges and hands-on workshops
● Choose your hardware/ software set up
● A daily supply of fresh fruit, coffee and water

05.04.2019, 09:47

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