» Backend Developer (m/f) in Hamburg

Wir suchen Webentwickler (m/w) Vollzeit in KasselNeuen Thread eröffnenNeue Antwort erstellenWeb Developer (m/f) in Hamburg

Name: Modix
Anmeldedatum: 23.02.2017
Beiträge: 2
23.02.2017, 10:05

Become a part of our Modix international team!
Backend Developer (m/f) in Hamburg

This is where you work!

• You are a part of our digital production team in Hamburg and work on international projects.

• Our backend team is always up-to-date and familiar with the latest technical standards.

• PHP, MySQL, Zend-Framework, Doctrine and Dojo are our technologies.

• Through continuous integration we ensure that our work is of highest quality.

• We organize our projects with Kanban/Scrum.

• The tasks are tailored according to the needs of our clients and thus continually demanding and exciting.

This is what you do!

• You plan, develop and maintain our CMS.

• You commit yourself to the analysis of demand regarding design, specifications and implementation.

• You contribute to the expenditure estimation and allow your personal knowledge to flow into the technical conception.

• You are actively involved in the creation of technical concepts.

• You are responsible for the quality and documentation of your work results.

• You track up-to-date technical trends and evaluate possible applications in Modix.

These are your abilities!

• A successfully completed degree in computer science

• Or: Training as an IT specialist for development of applications

• Extensive experience in object-oriented PHP software development

• Proficient in PHP frameworks (Zend, Doctrine)

• Fundamental knowledge of databases, internet standards and protocols

• Experience in programming/implementation of Unit Tests with focus on PHP Unit

• Excellent knowledge of English and either Russian or a Scandinavian language, both written and spoken

• Fundamental knowledge of UML and the application of design patterns of advantage

• Preferable experience working with Linux and Apache Web server

• Certification as Zend certified engineer, know-how of Java EE-technologies of advantage

This is what we offer!

• Personal development and regular trainings

• Optimal Equipment

• Chances of promotion in an innovative company

• Reimbursement of moving costs by relocation to the region

• Trust-based working hours

• Regulary held employee events

• Paid overtime

• Pioneer spirit and joy on the job in a technology-minded team

Apply now!

Please send your job application with your earliest possible entry date and salary expectation to Anna Curic:

jobs -ät- modix.eu

Modix GmbH
Jakob-Hasslacher-Straße 4
56070 Koblenz

modix.de (DE) or modix.eu (EN)


We keep the automotive business running: digitally, innovatively and efficiently

For more than 10 years now, Modix is the number one in digital marketing of automobiles and offers manufacturers and dealers innovative solutions for online marketing and sales.

On the road to success

What started in the year 2000 as a small student start-up has now grown and expanded into a company operating worldwide. As part of the US-based COX Automotive Group, Modix can rely on the network and possibilities of an international enterprise and combine this with the flexibility and individual support of a company under owner management.

Approximately 200 employees attend to over 12,500 dealer customers internationally and more than 30 automobile manufacturers – from Europe over Asia, all the way to North America.

Using potentials

Modix knows how to find the car buyer of tomorrow today. With customized digital solutions, the complete spectrum of car sales and marketing measures are covered. Whether innovative websites, an intelligent vehicle management system or the ideal online presence on all relevant platforms: With Modix, customers enjoy a digital 360° service.

Partner advantages

Modix is not only a leading innovator and market leader of the digital automotive segment. As the only German business specialized in the automotive market, Modix is Google Premier Partner and can thus offer its clients exclusive know-how and efficient solutions - so they can take full advantage of the digital automotive market`s potential.

23.02.2017, 10:05

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