» A streamlined just like a car than the car look more easy to

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Anmeldedatum: 25.08.2011
Beiträge: 1
25.08.2011, 12:15

Simply in people's imagination than the open complex and more powerful, because it provides to the imagination than the complex can offer more space. Kant discusses the imaginative mind mechanism, in epistemology, the imagination by the intellectual constraints and restrictions nike free run; in ethics, the imagination by reason of the constraints and limitations; only in aesthetics, where the genius, imagination is free.From Western philosophy The history, the popular Greek philosophy of "constant than change" concept applied to the "happiness" concept began in Aristotle.

He said that there is more happiness in being static, rather than movement. Epicurus is even more clear that static than dynamic, happy happy. Epicurus opposed to the heart and life becomes complicated hedonism, to resist the desire, no hunger and no thirst pushed, seeding the relaxed and happy state. Similarly, if a fog of ho Chinese history, there are some similar "simple is good" thinking flash nike lunarglide 3 . I said, "Saints at nothing to do, nothing to teach words," is most holy; "Giving", "Water benefits all things without struggle", is perfection. It can be seen, the eyes of the sage and I will pass on the good place all that "inaction."

Even if we look at the "moral" text, I also simply the core of political thought, "doing nothing", not any form of red tape and massive construction projects. Therefore, regardless of the ancient Greek school of Epicurus, "intuitive, the joy that is still good", or Chinese sage Lao Tzu's "saints inaction", "Giving", as the anchor of a philosophical sense, "simple is good" practical significance will continue benefiting in future generations. A streamlined just like a car than the car look more easy to accept, because it eliminates a lot of edges and corners; a building with a curved than a square or polygonal building better people pleasing nike free run 2 , although the square building is more practical. Shape alone, we can conclude that the simplified body shape is usually more complex than beauty, because of the simple things are often higher than what bears more complex possibilities,

25.08.2011, 12:15

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